Could This Simple 3-Minute Stool Test
Solve Your Most Challenge Gut Issues
And Give You Back Control Of Your Life?
Do you ever feel like your life revolves around your gut health challenges?
  • If you have gas and bloating, you’re constantly worried about what foods you can and can’t eat because you know they’ll make you feel terrible…
  • ​If you have constipation, it makes you feel gross and even if you are going daily you KNOW that you are not completely emptying…
  • ​If you have diarrhea, you can’t go anywhere without being terrified of having an accident because you can’t make it to a bathroom fast enough…
  • ​If you have heartburn, you can’t eat the foods you love and are constantly worried about how that heartburn is doing to your esophagus long-term...
If any of that sounds like you, I get it.

Your gut is the core of your health. And if it’s not functioning properly, it can literally control your life and make you feel like you’ve lost control.

On top of that…
  • ​It’s hard to even know if something is working or not so it’s hard sticking to any type of plan, like a new diet or lifestyle change…
  • ​It’s even harder knowing what information to listen to because there is so much conflicting information from different experts…
But the hardest part is feeling like you’ll never figure it out. 

Feeling completely hopeless because you’ve tried a million different things and nothing seems to make a difference.

And there’s a reason for that.

Because the truth is...
Most Solutions To Eliminating Your Gut Issues 
Just Simply Don’t Work…
I’ve discovered three main problems people face that create endless suffering from gas... bloating... constipation... diarrhea... heartburn... food sensitivities... and many other gut-related issues.

Those problems include...

Problem #1: Trying To Figure Out 
Your Own Food Triggers Doesn't Work

This is generally one of the first steps people take. They feel like certain foods are triggering their symptoms.

And many times they are.

So you try things like a low FODMAP diet…

Going gluten or dairy free…

Elimination diets…

And so many others…

Yet your symptoms stay the same.

Well there’s a reason for that. Because while certain foods absolutely CAN trigger symptoms… 

The REAL issue is usually one layer deeper than the actual food itself. Something is causing your body to reject those foods. 

After all, if you can’t eat dairy, but someone else can, why is that? It’s because there’s some sort of imbalance in your microbiome causing your body to reject that food.

THAT is what you’re trying to discover.

Problem #2: Most Supplements Don’t Work 
For Most People

Don’t get me wrong, I actually recommend certain supplements to most of my clients. And some of them (like prebiotics for example) are great for most people because they feed your healthy gut bacteria.

But MOST supplements don’t work for most people.


Because without knowing exactly how, where, and why your body has an imbalance, it becomes a guessing game figuring out what supplement you actually need.

It’s not that supplements themselves are bad. They’re actually incredible for pinpointing and resolving specific imbalances.

But you first need to discover what the actual imbalance is FIRST, and then use a supplement to address that imbalance. 

Problem #3: Doctors Do Tests That 
Can’t Determine The Root Cause

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve talked to a client and had them say “Wow, my doctor never told me any of this! I even got tests from them, and they aren’t even looking for these imbalances”.

When it comes to any long-standing health issue, what doctors are taught in school is the name it, blame it, tame it game.
  • They first NAME the problem to give you reassurance they know what’s going on…
  • Then they BLAME it for causing your symptoms…
  • ​Finally they TAME it with a prescription or surgery...
That’s terrifying to me because those are the pathways creating cellular imbalance, which create the symptoms we all hate to deal with.

Simply popping medication to cover up the root cause of why those symptoms are happening in the first place is like playing Russian roulette with your body.

And don’t get me wrong, prescriptions can help a lot with symptoms in the short term.
But they do not address the root causes of the issue.⁣
They do not help you determine WHY you struggle with these problems in the first place and how to resolve them.⁣
  • They don’t ask about your environment to see if that’s affecting your health...
  • They don’t order advanced stool panels to look at what is going on with your microbiome, digestion, or look for the presence of parasites or yeast. Sure they will stick a scope down your throat and up your butt, but those are only good for looking at ulcers, masses, and tumors.
  • ​They don’t have you fill out an in-depth food journal to see what your diet is like...
You’ve probably never even heard your doctor talk about those things…

Because they literally aren’t taught it in medical school.
Nor do they understand how to fix those issues without a prescription or surgery.
Now if you're reading this and feel like there is no hope left...

I Have GREAT News For You!

Because throughout my long career of fixing what many people would refer to as “the hardest cases”...

I’ve discovered a simple, proven, step-by-step way to discover and resolve issues for people they’ve been dealing with for years or many times even decades.

The best part is…

There Is NO Guesswork Involved

Because you’ll finally know what imbalances are going on inside your gut and how they can be contributing to your symptoms every day…

There Are NO Complicated Diets

Because most diets today are designed to lose weight, not heal your body. The right diet is simple, does not involve restricting types of foods, and allows flexibility so it’s easy to follow... 

There Is NO Confusion Or Conflicting Info

Because when you have actual data telling you what’s going on at a cellular level, the way to heal it becomes very simple...

I know that might sound a little too good to be true…

Especially if you’ve been trying to resolve your gut issues for a long time and have tried dozens of different ways to do it.

But this method has been proven to work over and over again with consistency and reliability.

So what is this magical solution?

Pooping In A Cup :) 

Well THAT got your attention, didn’t it? :oP

In all seriousness, I’m talking about getting a stool test.

A stool test is where you collect stool samples and send it to a lab. 

That lab has incredibly advanced machine which uses tens of thousands of data points and looks for biomarkers such as…
  • How well your digestive system is digesting your food, including the breakdown of proteins, fecal fats, pancreatic elastase, and many other factors…
  • ​The ratio of healthy bacteria to unhealthy bacteria which shows your level of dysbiosis (an imbalance of normal bacteria in your gut)…
  • Detecting the presence of harmful bacteria, yeast, and other factors that contribute to issues such as candida…
  • ​Inflammation markers such as calprotectin, eosinophil Protein X, and fecal secretory IgA which can create issues like Leaky Gut which is when your stomach lining is too thin to keep harmful bacteria from reaching your bloodstream…
  • ​Detecting harmful parasites which can leech crucial nutrients and leave you severely malnourished even if you’re eating a perfect diet…
  • Uncovering metabolic imbalances by measuring microbiome metabolites which allow your gut to function properly...
  • ​And MANY others!
See the difference?

That’s what I mean by guessing (which is what most people are doing)...

Versus getting actual data that tells you EXACTLY what’s imbalanced inside your gut, along with specific solutions to fix those imbalances.

Because the fact is...

A Stool Test Is The Best Way To Discover
WHY You’re Experiencing Gut Issues… 
And How To Fix Them!

After all, I’m sure you understand that in order to fix something, you need to first know WHY it’s happening.

Well doctors can’t tell you that, even if you get a colonoscopy...

Supplements can’t tell you that...

Even an elimination diet can’t tell you that…

The ONLY way modern science knows how to discover what’s happening inside your body is with a stool test.
Unfortunately Most Stool Tests Today 
Are Worthless…
I’ve reviewed literally dozens of different types of stool tests…

And I can say without a doubt that most of them are completely worthless.

In general there are three main criteria you want to use when picking the right labs to get...
  • The first is the type of labs you get. Each one will be testing for different things. The important part there is you’re testing for the RIGHT things that will give you actionable results. Because after all, you want to know what changes you can make to fix the actual problem.
  • ​The second is where you actually get the labs from. I’m sure you’ve seen labs promoted for anywhere from like $50 - $200. The problem with these cheap lab tests are that they’re both inaccurate AND generally don’t give you the actual data you need to take action on. I’ve tested dozens of labs over the years and very few of them are done properly. 
  • ​And finally, you have to know what to do after you get your results. After all, looking at charts and graphs about what’s going on inside your body at a cellular level looks impressive. But if you haven’t spent tens of thousands of hours understanding how all your biological systems and pathways work together, you won't know what to actually do with those results.
That seems pretty simple doesn’t? 

Just think of it as what, where, how.

If you know WHAT types of labs to get…

WHERE to get them from…

And HOW to take action on the data you get...

You finally have everything you need to get results.

Take just one of those steps out and you’ll end up right where you are now, which is frustrated and defeated.

And the good news is...

We Finally Found A Test That Measures 
EVERYTHING You Want To Get The Answers You Need With Pinpoint Accuracy!

When it comes to lab tests, I have very strict criteria.

Labs are one thing where you do not want to “go cheap”.

Because when it comes to labs, cheap doesn’t mean “slightly worse”...

It means they’re worthless.

That’s because many of the cheap tests you’ll find online measure the wrong things so you don’t get the information you need to actually get results…

Are inaccurate so you’re going off false data and can end up even worse off than when you started…

And give generic recommendations so you still end up confused and frustrated.

If you want great results, you need great labs.

And these are as good as it gets!

In fact, these labs are so exclusive they must be ordered by a practitioner like myself...

They're Literally Not Available 
To The Public

So this page, right here and now, is the ONLY place you can even get them.

And when you do, you can enjoy a lifetime of benefits like these folks did…

Case Study #1
Emily Y. Resolved Her Gastroparesis 
After A Decade Of Struggling

Emily is in the process of starting a new business, so she needed a solution that worked without having to spend 5 hours a day on self care. She had gotten diagnosed with gastroparesis and her doctors didn’t have many answers for her, so she tried to do it on her own.

She cut out a lot of potential trigger foods and was afraid to reintroduce them. Her digestion remained awful, she constantly felt bloated and constipated, and she even started to develop severe headaches.

After running the right labs and implementing the findings, Emily started to improve significantly. This is what she had to say, “Since we’ve started working together, my life feels full again. I can eat a variety of good, whole foods that are high in fiber I never thought I’d be able to eat again without feeling sick. My digestion feels completely normal. I feel healthy, both mentally and physically, and in control of my health for the first time."

Case Study #2
Kate G. Finally Fixed Her Gut And Energy 
When Nothing Else Worked

Kate had been searching for an answer to her IBS and low energy for 15 YEARS. She hired countless specialists including MDs, DO, chiropractors, nutritionists, acupuncturists, naturopaths, you name it. Not only did she get no results, she didn’t even feel heard or understood by them. So she spent hundreds of hours of her own time in intense isolation trying to research herself, but never found anything that worked.

Then she found me and loved my humanizing, data-driven approach. We got her labs and things looked pretty good! She had a few significant imbalances, but overall she was doing better than she thought.

This was freeing for her, as we were able to get her off of numerous supplements that her body didn’t need (and saving her a lot of money in the process).

The big thing for Kate was giving her clarity on what she should eat. This was something she had been confused about for a long time since everything seemed to either cause bloating or low energy. As usual, we allowed the data to tell us what to do. We didn’t blindly try new things because they worked for someone else. And it was because of this that Kate was able to trust the process and she now has no issues tolerating the foods she eats and her energy levels have never been better.

Case Study #3
Amanda W. FINALLY Understands 
Why She Feels Terrible...

Amanda W. came to me with a plethora of issues, including some significant autoimmune-based issues that were destroying her quality of life (which was a big deal being a health coach and marathon runner). She’d been trying to resolve her issues for years with different diet and supplement protocols without much success.

Then I took her through my system and we did some advanced testing. We uncovered a variety of nutritional imbalances within her body that let her SEE what was causing her to feel the way she felt. For instance, she was low in numerous B vitamins and magnesium, despite taking supplements for both of these things! She also had impairments in her detoxification pathways and was not getting enough protein given the amount of activity she was doing.

These labs allowed us to pinpoint with detail where her deficiencies were, which we then used to give her the simple, daily, doable steps she needed to take to get her back on track. Within just a few weeks her energy was through the roof and she was able to train more regularly. She was able to get through her day without feeling fatigued, making her feel years younger. Plus she even loved that her fingernails were finally growing properly!

Case Study #4
Isabel P. Clears Up Her Skin 
After Years Of Failing

Isabel came to me frustrated with her skin and significant reflux. Prior to our work together, she had been to numerous other clinicians who all prescribed different supplements and protocols, but she still wasn’t getting results. She was on 40mg of omeprazole for her heartburn and STILL had severe symptoms.

After extensive testing I had her make a few small changes to her lifestyle. And just a few weeks later her skin has cleared up dramatically AND she's down to just 5mg of Omeprazole (from 40mg) without any worsening of her symptoms. She's well on her way to being off Omeprazole for good!

Case Study #5
Ben M. Lost 15 Pounds in 2 Months 
Without Dieting

Ben is a busy business owner who came to me because of low energy and he wanted to lose some weight. He had been working with a personal trainer and eating clean, yet he still felt sluggish in the morning and his weight wasn’t budging.

Within 2 months of working together, Ben had lost 15 pounds and was waking up feeling refreshed and ready for the day. What changed? Well, we made a few simple tweaks to his diet based on his lab results, such as making sure he ate a protein-rich breakfast every morning. The best part? He admitted he was only about 50% compliant with the lifestyle changes we were working on. And yet he was still able to see significant results in a short period of time!
Pretty amazing, right?

Those are just a few examples of MANY more. 

But I wanted to share them with you to show you how crucial it is to take a data-driven approach to your health. 

Even better is that...

You Can Finally Discover Exactly 
What’s Needed To Heal Your Gut...
Without Ever Leaving Your House :)

Nobody enjoys having to drive out to get blood work or go to the doctors for testing. Which is why you’ll be glad to know you can do this test in the comfort (and privacy) of your own home.

There is no driving or blood draws required.

Your kit comes with everything you need. You just take a small sample of your stool, put it back in the tube they provide, and ship it back using prepaid shipping labels.

That’s it!

With just a few minutes of your time you’ll finally understand exactly exactly what’s going on inside your gut that is causing the frustrating symptoms you’re feeling on a daily basis.

Plus you’ll get specific recommendations on how to resolve those issues so you can feel more confident, more energy, and like YOU again.

And that’s only the first thing you get! Because on top of that you’ll also get...
Component #2: One-On-One 
Report Of Findings Consult 
With ME Personally...
As I said, there is nothing for you to figure out here.

After all, if you don’t know what to do with the data, there is no point in even getting it.

That’s why we’re going to personally review these lab results together on a one-on-one call. 

This call will combine your “audit” from above so we can go over everything in one conversation.

To be specific, here’s how it works once you invest in this exclusive upgrade for Peak Biome customers...
  • First, I’ll order your labs and send them to you (these specific labs must be purchased by a practitioner). Now don’t worry, each kit comes with its own pre-paid return postage and it’s incredibly easy to take and send back. 
  • Once your lab results are completed, we’ll get on a call to review your results. I’ll walk you through the report step-by-step and help you understand exactly what’s going on inside your body.
  • ​Finally I’ll show you what it’s going to take to fix the problem. I’ll explain the best plan of action for rapid healing, exactly what steps to take, and in what order.
Plus, of course, you can ask me ANY questions you’d like during this call. 

By the end of the call you’ll understand more about your body than you’ve learned in your entire life. In fact you’ll know more about your body than 99.9% of people on Earth know about their body. 

Because at the end of the day...
We’re Giving You The Most Personalized And Effective Healing Protocol On Earth…
For An Astonishingly Affordable Price :)
We’ve decided to give you an incredible offer today and give you everything you need…
  • The Gut Health Labs to uncover exactly what’s happening inside your gut and what specific steps are needed to eliminate the frustrating symptoms you’ve dealt with for far too long...
  • And our Review Of Findings Consult to give you a clear action plan so you know exactly what changes to make, when, and in what order to activate rapid healing…
For as little as $397 today.

I’m sure you’ll agree that’s an absolute bargain compared to the value of understanding exactly what’s happening inside your body and how to fix it.

So now I’d like you to make a decision.

And I’d like you to do that by asking yourself one simple question...

Are You Happy With How You Feel 
On A Daily Basis?

If that answer is yes, congratulations! This clearly isn't for you and I'm so happy you feel so good :)

But if the answer is no, you have nothing to lose here.

After all, if you decide not to move forward with this, you’re giving up on yourself and are guaranteed to fail. 

Right now there is something happening inside your body that's creating your frustrating symptoms on a daily basis. This is the only way to discover what that is and how to fix it.
  • You already know that trying to figure it out on your own doesn’t work…
  • ​You already know that going the “traditional” route doesn’t work…
  • ​You already know everything in the past has failed you…
That’s because everything in the past has been a guess.

This finally gives you a clear answer, and a clear solution.

Now think about that for just a second and you’ll see what an incredible investment that is in yourself.
  • Think about all the TIME you’ve spent at the doctors and the YEARS of wishing you felt better just to see your hopes destroyed yet again...
  • ​All the MONEY you’ve wasted on monthly health insurance, lab tests, co-pays, deductibles, supplements, diets, specialists, books, and everything else you’ve tried for so many years that have failed…
  • ​Plus the FRUSTRATION of either not getting the answers you need or forcing yourself to take meds you know are harming your body…
If you add it up, most people would be in the tens of thousands of dollars (if not more). 

In fact, according to National Health Expenditure data, the average American spends $10,966 PER YEAR on their health...

Just to feel worse and worse with each passing year.

That’s not fair. And it’s not how it should be.

That’s why my mission in life is to help you understand your body at a biological level so you can enjoy the best health of your life, regardless of your age.

So I’m sure you can see that paying as little as $397 today is a bargain compared to what you’ll receive.

But I want to make this completely risk-free for you today which is why...

If We Can't Find
Any Imbalances In Your Gut...
You Don't Pay!

The last thing I want is to make you a big promise that we can't deliver on. You've dealt with that too many times before and I refuse to do that to our customers.

That’s why we’re GUARANTEEING that we will find imbalances in your gut that can be contributing to your symptoms.
And if we can't?

I'll refund 100% of your money, no questions asked.

You either finally discover exactly what's going on inside your gut that is creating your symptoms, or you don't pay.

It can't get any more fair than that.
So if that all sounds great to you…

Just click the “Add To Cart” button below.

Once you do that, we’ll email you everything you need to get started.

Peak Biome Gut Health Labs

  • Comprehensive Stool Lab Test ($1,000 value)
  • ​Review Of Findings Consult ($500 value)
  • ​100% Money-Back Guarantee
Choose Your Payment Preference Below...

1 Payment Of 

2 Payments Of 

Frequently Asked Questions
How long will it take to get my labs back?
A: This varies from time to time, but in general it takes about 5-10 business days to receive your lab kit. Then once you ship it back, it generally takes about 2-3 weeks to get the results. Overall it takes roughly 4-5 weeks. 
Exactly what will we go over during our call?
In short, we’ll review your lab results and go over the next steps to correcting the imbalances we find, to accelerate healing. This varies because every single person will have different results and need different strategies to begin correcting those imbalances.
Why are these labs so much better than others?
I really love these labs because they’re much more comprehensive than others. To explain, imagine a 100 piece puzzle. You need all 100 pieces to form a fully complete puzzle, right? Well most labs only give 70 or 80 pieces out of 100. You get a partial view, but as with most things, it’s the details that matter. You need to see ALL your biological pathways to see how they’re interacting with each other. And these labs give me the best picture of how your gut is functioning at a cellular level.
Do you offer a money back guarantee?
This works a little differently than a typical product. These tests are very expensive and we put a lot of work into reviewing your information to give you the best data and experience possible. Having said that, if you decide to cancel your labs before they’re ordered (generally within 24 hours), we can offer a full refund. If you ask for a refund after your labs are ordered but before your call, we can offer a $500 refund. We do not offer refunds after the call.
Will my results stay confidential?
Yes! We follow all applicable HIPAA laws so everything you do is fully confidential. The only people who will see your results are you, myself, and the labs themselves. Results will be stored on a secure server that only I have access to. We will not even share these results with the rest of our Peak Biome team.
Do I need to go off my medications or supplements prior to the test?
You should continue all essential medication as prescribed by your doctor. Any non-essential supplements, such as vitamins, should be discontinued so as not to interfere with the results. You can stop those now, if you wish. Using Peak BioBoost shouldn’t interfere with any lab results, so you can either start that when your get it or just wait until your labs are collected :) 
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